Penulis Topik: Suara yang Menyeramkan (1)  (Dibaca 2582 kali)

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Suara yang Menyeramkan (1)
« pada: Juni 15, 2018, 08:08:23 AM »
Dalam Nama Bapa dan Putera dan Roh Kudus. Amin.

Suara yang Menyeramkan (1) (Judul Alternatif : Menara Lonceng Angker)

Di Desa Minomartani terdapat sebuah gereja Katholik yang bernama Gereja St. Petrus dan Paulus, yang terletak tak jauh dari Kuburan Gremeng.  Gereja ini mempunyai sebuah menara lonceng.  Menara lonceng itu cukup tinggi, dan difungsikan untuk menandai akan diadakannya misa kudus atau perayaan ekaristi.

Sekitar bulan Mei 1994, menara lonceng itu masih dalam tahap pembangunan, sehingga menara tersebut belum diberkati.  Pada waktu itu, anak-anak di komplek perumahan, di sekitar daerah itu, sangat suka memanjat menara lonceng itu.  Namun, mereka takut jika ketahuan Darsono, bapak penjaga wilayah gereja itu, bahwa mereka sedang memanjat menara itu.  Darsono tentu akan marah besar bila mengetahui hal itu.  Oleh karena itu, anak-anak segera turun dari menara itu bila melihat Darsono dari atas.

Pada suatu malam Idul Fitri (Takbiran), anak-anak tersebut tidak menunjukkan kejeraannya.  Kali ini, Dika (5), Roni (9), Toni (7), Vendi (6), dan Yudhis ( 8 ) memanjat menara lonceng itu.  Kelima anak tersebut memang sudah terlatih di ketinggian.

Lalu, Roni berkata kepada teman-temannya, "Ayo kita memanjat sampai ke atas, yo!".  Bocah-bocah itu mulai memanjat dengan gesitnya.  Setelah sampai di atas, mereka melihat suasana di bawah dengan puas.

Setelah agak lama berada di atas menara itu, Roni berkata, "Teman-Teman, ayo kita turun dulu, yo,", usul Roni, "nanti Pak Darsono marah pada kita, lho!"

Kemudian, mereka memutuskan untuk turun ke bawah.  Mereka pun jalan-jalan di sekitar komplek perumahan mereka.  Di tengah jalan, mereka bertemu dengan Erick (11).  Erick ialah seorang pengunjung yang akan melakukan ziarah wisata.  Ia sedang berada di dalam mobil jemputan untuk menunggu teman sekelasnya.

Lantas, Roni dan teman-temannya mengajak Erick untuk ikut memanjat menara lonceng seperti tadi.  Erick pun setuju dengan ajakan mereka.  Ia bergegas keluar dari mobil jemputan, dan mengikuti kelima anak itu.

Kini, mereka berjumlah enam orang.  Setelah tiba di menara lonceng tadi, mereka berenam segera memanjat menara itu.  Erick yang baru pertama kali memanjat menara lonceng itu sempat kewalahan dalam melakukan hal itu.  Namun, tak lama kemudian, ia langsung mahir memanjat.  Ia hanya memanjat sampai ke lantai ke-2.  "Supaya saya mengetahui jika Pak Supir memanggil saya." demikian alasan Erick bahwa ia tidak mau memanjat sampai ke lantai ke-3.

Setelah beberapa lama mereka berada di atas menara itu, Erick berpamitan pada teman-temannya bahwa ia akan meninggalkan mereka karena ia harus melanjutkan perjalanannya dalam rangka ziarah wisata.  Setelah berpamitan, Erick segera kembali masuk ke dalam mobil jemputan.

Kini, mereka berjumlah lima orang lagi.  Namun, beberapa saat kemudian, Gunari, ibu Dika memanggilnya guna berangkat sembahyangan rosario.  Karena takut dengan ibunya, ia segera turun dari menara itu dan mengikuti ibunya ke tempat diadakannya sembahyangan rosario tersebut.

Kini, mereka berjumlah empat orang.  Namun, beberapa saat kemudian, Toni dan Vendi (yang beragama Islam) ingat bahwa malam itu ada Takbiran.  Mereka berdua harus mengikuti acara itu.  Maka, mereka bergegas turun dari menara itu dan pergi ke masjid bersama Udin, adik mereka.

Setelah kepergian kedua anak itu, di menara itu hanya tinggal terdapat Roni dan Yudhis.  Yudhis pun mengajak Roni untuk duduk-duduk di sela-sela tangga menara itu.  Sambil duduk-duduk, mereka ngobrol-ngobrol guna menghilangkan rasa takut.  Setelah ngobrol-ngobrol cukup lama, mereka merasa ada sesuatu yang aneh.  Tiba-tiba saja, suasana berubah menjadi hening.  Lalu, terdengarlah suara yang sangat mengerikan dari lantai paling atas menara, "HUAHH!"  Mereka pun menjadi ketakutan dan lari meninggalkan menara itu melewati teras gereja.  Anehnya, mereka lari berlawanan arah.  Setelah itu, mereka berdua menceritakannya kepada teman-teman lain, termasuk yang tadi ikut memanjat.

Keesokan harinya, pada pagi hari (sekitar jam 05:30), Roni, Yegar ( 8 ), dan Yudhis, memanjat menara lonceng itu.  Pada saat mereka bertiga tiba di lantai teratas, mereka melihat topi, celana panjang hitam, baju berkerah, dan sepatu kain, yang semuanya sudah compang-camping.  Mereka heran sekali.  Namun, mungkin ada kaitannya dengan peristiwa tadi malam.

Terpujilah Kristus.

« Edit Terakhir: Juni 15, 2018, 08:20:17 AM oleh brangwetanan »

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Re:Suara yang Menyeramkan (1)
« Jawab #1 pada: Desember 26, 2024, 06:33:20 PM »
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Scary Sounds (1) (Alternative Title: Haunted Bell Tower)

In Minomartani Village there is a Catholic church called the Church of St. Peter and Paul, which is located not far from the Gremeng Cemetery. This church has a bell tower. The bell tower is quite tall, and is used to mark when a holy mass or eucharist celebration will be held.

Around May 1994, the bell tower was still under construction, so the tower had not been blessed. At that time, children in the housing complex, around the area, really liked to climb the bell tower. However, they were afraid that Darsono, the guard of the church area, would find out that they were climbing the tower. Darsono would certainly be furious if he found out. Therefore, the children immediately came down from the tower when they saw Darsono from above.

On one night of Eid al-Fitr (Takbiran), the children did not show any fear. This time, Dika (5), Roni (9), Toni (7), Vendi (6), and Yudhis (8) climbed the bell tower. The five children were indeed trained at heights.

Then, Roni said to his friends, "Let's climb to the top, yo!". The boys started climbing nimbly. After reaching the top, they looked at the atmosphere below with satisfaction.

After being on the tower for a while, Roni said, "Friends, let's go down first, yo," Roni suggested, "Mr. Darsono will be angry with us, you!"

Then, they decided to go down. They walked around their housing complex. On the way, they met Erick (11). Erick was a visitor who was going on a pilgrimage. He was in the pick-up car waiting for his classmates.

Then, Roni and his friends invited Erick to join them in climbing the bell tower like before. Erick agreed to their invitation. He quickly got out of the pick-up car and followed the five children.

Now, there were six of them. After arriving at the bell tower, the six of them immediately climbed the tower. Erick, who was climbing the bell tower for the first time, was initially overwhelmed in doing so. However, not long after, he immediately became good at climbing. He only climbed up to the 2nd floor. "So that I know if the driver calls me." That was Erick's reason for not wanting to climb up to the 3rd floor.

After they had been on the tower for a while, Erick said goodbye to his friends that he would leave them because he had to continue his journey for a pilgrimage. After saying goodbye, Erick immediately got back into the pick-up car.

Now, there were five of them again. However, a few moments later, Gunari, Dika's mother called him to go to the rosary prayer. Because he was afraid of his mother, he immediately came down from the tower and followed her to the place where the rosary prayer was being held.

Now, there were four of them. However, a few moments later, Toni and Vendi (who were Muslims) remembered that there was a Takbiran that night. They both had to attend the event. So, they rushed down from the tower and went to the mosque with Udin, their younger brother.

After the two children left, only Roni and Yudhis were left in the tower. Yudhis invited Roni to sit between the stairs of the tower. While sitting, they chatted to get rid of their fear. After chatting for quite a while, they felt something strange. Suddenly, the atmosphere turned silent. Then, a very scary sound was heard from the top floor of the tower, "HUAHH!" They became scared and ran away from the tower through the church terrace. Strangely, they ran in the opposite direction. After that, they both told their friends, including those who had climbed earlier.

The next day, in the morning (around 05:30), Roni, Yegar ( 8 ), and Yudhis, climbed the bell tower. When the three of them arrived at the top floor, they saw a hat, black trousers, a collared shirt, and cloth shoes, all of which were in tatters. They were very surprised. However, it might have something to do with last night's incident.

Om Swastyastu.

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